What Is A White Label Forex Broker?

A white label broker is an ideal solution for a business that is looking at getting into the global markets through CFDs, by setting up their own Forex brokerage but does not have the infrastructure, capital requirements, contacts, or time to do this on their own.

For those looking to establish their brand as a Forex broker, a white label solution allows you to take advantage of an established broker and leverage their turnkey solutions.

This white label agreement between you and the white label broker, allows you to market and brand your company, using the infrastructure and established relationships that they have built over time.

Benefits of becoming a Forex White Label

1. You keep the relationship with your clients

One of the main benefits of moving to the next level of becoming a Forex white label broker is that you keep control over your clients.

From your existing lists to the marketing funnels you are running, those clients are yours.

At ACY Securities, we would facilitate the trades, the risks, and the software solutions, your clientele remains your intellectual property.

Your clients won’t know their trades are being executed through ACY. All the front-facing information they see will show your logo and your brand.

2. Your costs to get set up will be drastically lower

Establishing your own brokerage is extremely capital intensive. However, choosing to partner with a Forex white label broker like ACY Partners can significantly lower your costs to get established.

3. Leverage the liquidity relationships already established

Also, to get the best rates, you would need to have established relationships with at least one Prime Broker. Not only does this take time, but you need to have a client base who are trading solid volume to get the best rates.

By working with a Forex white label broker, you can leverage their Prime Broker relationships, and the volume they are already putting through on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

What are the main trading platforms used for a Forex white label broker?

When it comes to a Forex white label broker, the most common platform would be MetaTrader 5.

While there are other proprietary platforms available for high net worth traders, these are typically reserved for relationships through Prime Brokers.

Another big benefit of aligning with the right white label solution is access to MetaTrader 4. If you were to go directly to MetaQuotes now, you would not be able to secure an MT4 license.

MetaQuotes are pushing hard for their MT5 trading platform, but statistics would show that MT4 is still the most dominant choice among retail traders.

What other solutions should I look for with a Forex white label broker?

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software
  • Risk Management strategies
  • Admin portal
  • Client portal

Relationships with payment providers

Another critical element that is often overlooked is the relationship your white label broker has with payment providers.

If we are looking at the Australian market, and you were to come on board as a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR) using our white label solutions, you would have full access to our payment gateways. These relationships are now becoming increasingly difficult to obtain.

PayPal for example is unlikely to allow new Forex brokers, as would the likes of ZotaPay. Every payment gateway is firming up their compliance and so leveraging existing relationships from ACY would allow you to get established faster.

Hopefully, that helps you get clear on what is a Forex white label broker and the key elements provided to you.

How can ACY Partners help you?

At ACY Partners, we can help you establish your Forex white label brokerage and move to the next level in building your empire and brand.

No matter if you are based in South Africa, Vietnam, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, London, Germany, France, or Thailand, our team can help set up your Forex brokerage.

We want to make sure we can help you meet your goals.

Why not jump on a call with our team today so we can get clear on what will work for you and see how we can help you.